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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 78

Table A. — Long-Term Endowment Assurance

page 18

Table A.

Long-Term Endowment Assurance

Under this table the sum assured is payable at death or on the assured attaining 80 years of age.

The premiums are generally lower than those charged by other offices for assurances which become payable in the event of death only.

To those reaching extreme old age the advantages of being relieved of the payment of premiums, and at the same time receiving the sum assured and bonuses, need not be dwelt upon. While those who have died in early life or middle age will have secured the necessary protection for their family at a low rate of premium.


At age 30 nearest birthday, £22 14s, 2d. per annum will assure £1,000 with profits, payable at death or on attaining the age of 80. If after paying ten premiums the policyholder is unable to continue, a free paid-up policy for £200 will be granted on application, in addition to the bonuses already allotted and not surrendered, and with full participation in future profits.

page 19
Premium. Age. Yearly. Half-yearly. Quarterly. Monthly. Four -weekly. Age.

Table A.

Long-Term Endowment Assurance (with Profits).

Premiums for an Assurance of £100, payable at Death or on attaining Age 80.