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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 79

Appendix E. — The Maorilanders' War Ode

Appendix E.

The Maorilanders' War Ode.

Maorilanders ! to the fight;
Draw your sword, maintain the right;
Prove your valour and your might!
'Tis now or never!.

Chorus :
Who could sec their fellows slaves,.
Who submit to robber knaves,
And escape dishonoured graves ?

Fight for king, and kith and kin,
Do or die, tis glory win !
Shirk the call? forbid the sin!
'Tis now or never!
Chorus : Who could, etc.

Take your sword and come away,
Say not : "Nay," nor brook delay,
Now's the time and this the Day',
"Tis now or never'
Chorus : Who could, etc.

Now's the day and now's the hour,
See you make all tyrants cower,
See you end proud Wilhelm's power!
"Tis now or never !
Chorus : Who could, etc

Could there be a nobler cause—
That of Honour and its laws ?
Then, up and make no longer pause!
'Tis now or never !
Chorus : Who could, etc.

Lay the haughty Junkers low,
Down with every tyrant foe
Liberty's in every blow !
'Tis now or never !
Chorus : Who could, etc.
