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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 83

(3.) Meetings of School Committees

(3.) Meetings of School Committees.

[unclear: st] meeting of [unclear: 00] [unclear: mittee.]

69. The Committee of each school district shall hold its first meeting after election at some time and place to be from time to time appointed by the Board of the district within which such school district is.

[unclear: ction of airman.]

At its first meeting, or as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, it shall elect, by a majority of the votes of the members present thereat, one of its body to be Chairman until the next election of the School Committee.

Such Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee at which he shall be present; and if such Chairman cease to be a member of the Committee he shall cease to be such Chairman.

In case the Chairman die, or by writing under his hand delivered to the Committee at any meeting thereof resign his office, or cease to be a member of the Committee, the members present at the meeting next after the occurrence of such vacancy, or at any meeting before there shall as yet have been a Chairman chosen, shall elect some one of its number to be a Chairman, and the Chairman so elected shall continue in office for the remainder of the year.

If at any meeting of the Committee the Chairman be not present, one of the members present shall be elected Chairman of such meeting by the majority of the votes of the members present thereat.

[unclear: ceedings] at [unclear: tings.]

70. The proceedings of every Committee shall be transacted at meetings to be convened at the request of two or more of the members or by order of the Chairman thereof.
page 23

At all meetings three members shall form a quorum, and the Chairman shall have a deliberative and also a casting vote at every such meeting, and the decision of the majority shall be final and conclusive.

71. Every Committee shall be at liberty to appoint one of its

Clerk and Treasurer may be appointed.

own members or other qualified person to be its Clerk and Treasurer, who shall convene all meetings of the Committee by causing at least three days' previous notice to be given to each member thereof, and shall attend such meetings of the said Committee, and take minutes of its proceedings, and do whatever may be required of him in the execution of this Act.
But no Clerk and Treasurer shall receive any remuneration

Not to receive remuneration ir certain cases. Minutes of meetings, &c.

for his services if he is a member of the Committee.

72. At every meeting of a School Committee the same proceedings shall be taken with regard to the minutes of such meeting as are prescribed by section thirty-four of this Act with regard to the minutes of meetings of Boards; and no recommendation to the Board concerning the appointment, suspension, or dismissal of a teacher shall be considered unless notice in writing to the effect that such business is proposed to be transacted has been addressed to every member of the Committee three days at least before the meeting at his usual or last known place of abode.

73. A Committee may appear in all legal proceedings by its

Committee [unclear: ma] appear by [unclear: Cler] or Chairman, [unclear: o] Solicitor.

Clerk, or Chairman, or Solicitor.