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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 83

(5.) Good-Attendance Certificates

(5.) Good-Attendance Certificates.

Certificates of attendance [unclear: btamable.]

79. At every public school certificates shall be obtainable, to be called "good-attendance certificates," and such certificates shall be of two classes,—
(1.)For any child of school age attending a public school in the district, who, for a period of twelve months, has been present every time the school was open, both in the morning and afternoon;
(2.)For any such child who for a like period has not been absent from such school more than five times in all.

Such certificates shall be obtainable by all children of school age attending a public school, and be signed and issued by the Chairman of the Committee, or in such other mode as the Committee may direct.

Any child attending a public school who has been absent from such school by reason only of the observance of any fast or other day set apart for strict religious observance by the religious body of which such child is a member, shall, notwithstanding such absence, be deemed to have been present as above provided. But in each such case satisfactory evidence shall be given by the parent or guardian of such child that such child was absent only for the cause above mentioned, and that the day or days of such absence was or were days strictly set apart for strict observance by the religious body of which the child is a member.