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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Lambton Kay, February 20th, 1879

Lambton Kay,

Me Dear Brieny,—

I've grate pleasure in inthroducin' to yer notis His Ixcillincee the Markiss o' Normanbee, as dacint a boy as iver broke bread. 'Pon me conshinse, ye'll obleedge me very much be puttin' him up to a wrinkle or two in connection wid his jewties. But, Brieny, allanah, the mane thing I want to bring undher yer notis is the fact that the Markiss has a waikaess for throwin' about and squandherin' his money foolishly. Now, Brieny, ma bouchil, I want ye to keep yer eye upon him, and thry to resthrain his ixthravagint propinsitles. I confide him to yer care, an' I know ye'll take care av him. Pat O'Rell brings ye another few lines from me. Be kind to Pat, an' inthroduce him into dacint society. Ye needn't be afraid av him, he's as mild as a lamb among the ladies.

Yer affectionate Cousin,

Paddy Murphy.