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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Come Back to Airn

Come Back to Airn.

Come back to airn our thanks, George Mavourneen,
Come back an' hunt Johnny Hall from yer berth,
Come back to airn our thanks, George Mavourneen,
An' it's New Zayland will ring loud wid mirth.
Sure whin ye left us for beautiful Kawau,
Little we said, George asthore, in yer praise,
Little mane snarlers, wid yelp an' wid bow-wow,
Swore that yer party a loan couldn't raise;
Come back to airn our thanks, George Mavourneen,
Come back an' hunt Johnny Hall from yer berth,
Come back to airn our thanks, George Mavourneen,
An' it's New Zayland will ring wid yer mirth.

Come back to airn our thanks, George Mavourneen,
Sure all the people is wantin' ye back;
The ould Fox is watchin' the roost, George Mavourneen,
Call all yer huntsmin together wid Mac;
Faix, George asthore, all the people is sleepin',
Give little Jay See the whip in his hand;
Sure he can see where the varmints are creepin'—
Robbin' the hard-workin' min o' ther land.
Come back to airn our thanks, George Mavourneen,
Sure all the people is wantin' ye back;
Come back to airn our thanks, George Mavourneen,
Raise the Gray banner and stand close to Mac.

"'Pon me conshinse, I'm itarnilly obleedged to ye Paddy asthore,' ses Sir George, "an' its myself that would like to stop wid ye to-night, but as the boat is about to sail for Christchurch I must be off,' ses he. "Tare-an-ounthers, Sir George," ses I. "give us a stave before ye go,' ses I. "Well, Paddy, mavrone, I'll thry a parody o' me own on one o' Tom Moore'ri most beautiful milodies,' ses he. "Though I can spaik good dacint Irish, begorra I can't sing in it, an' therefore you must ixcuse me for singin' in plain vulgar Inglish." ses he.

Sir George Gray then cleared his throat wid another dhrop av the craythur, an' comminced as follows:—