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Proposals of Mr. Sydney David Taiwhanga, M.H.R., for the Colonization and Settlement of Maori Lands



20.Maori census to be taken. As soon as conveniently may be a complete Maori Census shall be taken, distinguishing the Chiefs from the common people.
(a.)The Chiefs may be divided into classes, according to rank and distinction as they may determine, and the shares of each class shall be greater than the shares of the common people in such proportion as they may also determine.
21.Certificates of-shares to be issued. Certificates in accordance with the Census shall be issued to every Maori, representing the share to which he or she is entitled to participate in the Maori Estate Fund, and every distribution thereof, such Certificate shall not be transferable or assignable or be available in bankruptcy.
22.Register of shares to be kept. A Register of such Certificates shall be kept, and upon the death of any holder such Certificate may be transferred or a new Certificate issued to his legal personal representatives.
23.Infant's shares to be applied to their maintenance and education. The shares of infants shall be payable to their parents or guardians for their maintenance and education.

S. D. Taiwhanga, M.H.R.

Wellington, October, 1888.