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An Epitome of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs and Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand

No. 38. — Copy of a Despatch from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle to Governor Sir H. Barkly, K.C.B

No. 38.
Copy of a Despatch from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle to Governor Sir H. Barkly, K.C.B.

New Plymouth.—Victorian Assistance to New Zealand appreciated. Downing Street, 27th June, 1860.


I have received your Despatch No. 5, of the 20th April last, in which you report the measures adopted by your Government on receiving the application of the New Zealand Government for assistance in meeting the difficulties in which that colony had been involved in consequence of the outbreak on the part of the Natives at Taranaki. Her Majesty's Government have seen with great satisfaction the cordial co-operation afforded by the Government of Victoria on this occasion, not only by their acquiescence in the reduction of the garrison, but by the liberal manner in which they placed the Colonial war steamer "Victoria" at the disposal of the Imperial Government. You will express to your Government how fully Her Majesty's Government appreciate the sympathy and generosity which have marked their conduct on this occasion.

I have, &c.,


Governor Sir H. Barkly, K.C.B.