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An Epitome of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs and Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand

[No. 25.]

No. 25.

Mr. Commissioner Kemp to the 'Chief'Commissioner

Reporting the Survey of Ilikurangi Block. Land Purchase Office, Bay of Islands, 25th August, 1860


With reference to the accompanying letter, the, District Commissioner, begs to state that the Block of land known as Hikurangi has been surveyed and, contains (4705 acres) four thousand seven hundred and five acres. It joins the Government Block at Oruru, and is in other Respects a desirable purchase. The sum named by Mr. White, viz., (£250) Two hundred and fifty pounds, and (£10) Ten pounds for contingent expenses, is respecfully submitted for approval, and that the amount should be forwarded by vessel by the first convenient opportunity to Mr. White's care.

I have, &c.,
H. T. Kemp,
District Commissioner

The Chief Commissioner,



August 8th, 1860.


I have the honor to inform you that I Have this day agreed with the Native owners relative to the price of the Hikurangi Block, the survey of which I'forwarded some days since.

page 13

They have consented to take Two. Hundred and fifty pounds (£250) for the Block. The expenses, -for entertainment of Natives and 'travelling expenses will not exceed Ten pounds (£10). I would urge that the money be paid as soon as possible, the Natives being very sickly, and the money would be the means of providing them with food of a nourishing nature, of which they stand much in need.

Mr. Kemp being perhaps in Auckland will facilitate the arrangements relative to the purchases of this Block

I have, &c.,
W.B. White,
Resident Magistrate.