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An Epitome of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs and Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand

Toatoa Block Purchased. Civil Commissioner's Office, — Mangonui, 24th February, 1865

Toatoa Block Purchased. Civil Commissioner's Office,
Mangonui, 24th February, 1865.


I have the honor to inform you that the plans and deeds are completed for the purchase of the Toatoa Block, divided into three blocks of 843, 534, and 2,486 acres, which at 2s per acre will amount to Three hundred and eighty-six pounds six shillings sterling.

The hundred pounds which you forwarded to me is still available for this purchase. As the natives are very-impatient to be paid, I should be glad if you could make it convenient to bring the money with you when you come up.

The Runanga will meet on the 28th March next.