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An Epitome of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs and Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand

Enclosure. — The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Chief Commissioner

The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to the Chief Commissioner.

Maunga Tapere.—To Purchase the Block of Land offered for sale at Whangarei.Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 9th January, 1855.


In reference to the letter dated 20th November last, from Mr. District Commissioner Johnson, reporting the offer of a block of land at Whangarei-by the Natives to the Government of 18,000 acres for the sum of One thousand five hundred pounds (£1,500), and on the condition that the Chief Tirarau have the first selection of One thousand acres' at Ten shillings per acre (the selection to be of a figure conformable to that prescribed by law), I am directed by His Excellency the officer administering the Government to convey to you his approval of the immediate purchase of this land on the terms specified.

The only way of fulfilling the condition regarding the selection referred to, which should be made before the block is opened to the public, is to treat the existing regulations as not applicable to the Native seller, and to allow him at once to make a selection in the manner prescribed by the 15th clause of Sir G. Grey's Land Regulations and to grant; the land at Ten shillings' per acre.

His Excellency desires me to request you to make the necessary communication to Mr. Johnson, as soon as possible, for his information and guidance.

I have, &c,

Andrew Sinclair,
Colonial Secretary.

Mr. Commissioner McLean.