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An Epitome of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs and Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand

Enclosure. — Return of Horses paid and to be paid the Natives for Land sold to H.M. Government

Return of Horses paid and to be paid the Natives for Land sold to H.M. Government.

Situation. No. Agreed for. No. paid. No. still Due. When paid. Chiefs to whom given or Due. Remarks.
Mahurangi 6 2 At different times. Most of them when the deeds were executed. Ngatipaoa Chiefs, Reunga and Hohepa £60 has been sanctioned by H.E. the Governor, and the same paid in lieu of these two horses. In former return these two horses were by mistake omitted.
1 Ngatiwhatua Chiefs, Kawau and others
Tamaki 2 1 1 Ngatipaoa Chief Jowett 1 horse delivered to the Chief Jowett; 1 only due, not 2 as in last return.
Epsom 4 4 Ngatiwhatua Chiefs, Davis and others
Mangonui 1 1 Chief Pororua
Papakura 6 4 2 Chief Tihi, and others 4 horses were delivered, but one being wild, immediately escaped.
Taranaki 2 2 Waikato Chiefs
Total 21 15 6
Protector's Office, Auckland, 10th February, 1844.