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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review June 1902

Act IV

Act IV.

"Chop-logic "—Mr. Semi% of Japan, considers this an argument in favour of Kreophagy.

"Rebeck "—Contraction for Rebecca.

"Elf-locks "—A peculiar contortion of the front hair produced by using "Hinde's Patent, Curlers." As the result of these contorted locks was to make the mildest countenance look peculiarly ferocious the term "elf" was applied to them by the sterner sex. Comp. Chaucer, " With lokkes crulle as thei were laide in presse."

"Scurvy "—A disease peculiar to North American Indians, "who live exclusively on meat" (Richmond).

"I have a head, sir, that will find out logs "—This explodes the popular fallacy that logarithms were first invented by Napier, or the D—————].

"There's no trust, no faith, no honesty in men "—An aphorism ascribed to Marie Corelli.

"Tybalt "—A collateral form of cobalt.

"From nine to twelve is three long hours "—Romeo had graduated in mathematics.

"Dancing shoes with nimble soles "—This make are not very plentiful among students of the present day.

Aqua vitae "—Conjectured by Gervinus "Mountain Dew." Aqua equals H.2 0. (Toogood).

"O, be some other name "—Malone agrees with Juilet in her advice to Romeo, and suggests ",Adolphus," " Mourilzan," or "Rawdon de Vere."

"To be valiant is to stand "—This applies equally to duels and debates.

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GLEE CLUB. "Gone but not forgotten." It is with sincere regret that we have to record the untimely end of the Glee Club. Like a meteor it Hashed upon us as a star in the dawning it melted away. "The best laid plans of mice and men Gang aft a-glee)"

page 40

Ye Englische Classe