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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review June 1902

Debating Contest (Saturday Evening)

Debating Contest (Saturday Evening).

Judges.—Rev. A. W. Averill, Messrs. C. E. Bevan-Brown and W. H. Triggs.

The debate was arranged in two parts, the North Island Colleges debating one subject and the South Island debating another. In the first debate E. H. Strong, of Auckland College, moved "that the present constitution and tendency of trade unions is unsatisfactory." He was supported by F. C. Long, and opposed by the Victoria college representatives, H. P. Richmond and J. Graham. In the second contest W. L. Scott, of Canterbury College, supported by T. Gurney, moved "That the enactment of a more formal or legal union between the Colonies and the Mother Country is desirable." E. Guthrie and H. D. Bedford, of Otago University, opposed. The judges were unable to decide between Auckland and Victoria Colleges, but awarded the honours of the evening to Otago University, which, therefore, holds the challenge scroll for the first year.