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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review June 1902

Hockey Club

Hockey Club.

Early last year G. F. Dixon called a meeting of those interested in the formation of a Hockey Club, at which two or three students put in a casual appearance. After about a fortnight's hard work the promoters managed to gather 10 players together, and so challenged the Karori Hockey Club, trusting to luck, or to Hermes, the father of hockey, for an eleventh player to turn up on the ground. The challenge was accepted, and, on 18th May, these pioneers of the now flourishing Hockey Club wended their way over the hills to Karori, some walking, some cycling, while others, less energetic, took the coach.

Before the match a meeting was held to elect officers, which resulted as follows :—Patron, His Excellency the Governor; President, Hon. Sir R. Stout, K.C.M 0.; Vice-Presidents, Professors Brown, Easterfield, Maclaurin and Mackenzie, Messrs. J. P. Firth, F. J. McDonald, and D. Sladden; Capt., R. St. J. Beere; Vice-Capt., H. P. Richmond; Hon. Sec. and Treas., George F. Dixon. F. A. de la Mare took the chair at this meeting, or rather sat on a hockey stick; he was the looked-for eleventh player.

page 22

After this first game about five of the players said they would have to give it up as their knees, or their hearts, were not strong enough, but after two or three days' rest they recovered sufficiently to be commandeered for the next performance.

The Club was affiliated to the Wellington Hockey Association and, playing in the Junior Cup matches, gained fifth place, winning three matches, while a fourth was drawn. Below is a list of matches played, and the results :—

Cup Matches, 1901.
Points for. Points Against.
United lost 3 15
St. John's lost 4 8
Karori lost 3 5
Waiwetu lost 0 1
Wellington won 3 1
Second Round.
Wellington lost 0 2
United lost 1 3
St. John's won 5 2
Karori drawn 2 2
Waiwetu won 1 0
Total goals for 22 Against 39

Thus the Club though it fared badly in the first round lost only two matches in the second.

During the winter vacation a concert and dance was held which was most successful. Misses Edwards, Griffiths, Ross, and Van Staveren formed a ladies' committee to help the Club entertain its guests.

This session it was found feasible, so greatly had the fame of the Club spread amongst students, to turn last year's team into a senior, and to recruit a junior team from the available new material. This was done, and though neither senior nor junior team have had a very great measure of success, it is comforting to note that both are improving steadily and showing better results in each game. It was no small triumph, in our fourth game as seniors, to draw with Wellingtons, the formidable combination that only the previous week had inflicted on the heretofore invincible Uniteds their first defeat, and indications point to the fact that in the second round of club contests both seniors and juniors will be teams to be reckoned with. On another page will be found an account of this year's games.