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The Spike or Victoria College Review, June 1903

Answers to Correspondents

page 50

Answers to Correspondents.

Answers to Correspondents

"Let us be grateful to writers for what is left in the inkstand;
When to leave off is an art only attained by the few."


"Rusticus." As we have a considerable quantity of verse in this number, we hold your rhymes over—lest, perchance, we have more space next issue. There is much "point" in your contribution, but couldn't you borrow an axe and prune it up a bit, especially at the end where the rhyming shows signs of suicidal haste.

S. W. G—th. Your "Apologia" to hand. We see your difficulty precisely, and would like to find you a way out—but can't. Your exertions of a previous year only make matters worse. You see, you did accept a position on a Committee "to foster the interests of football in the College," and you did do your best to wreck the Football Club. We do not accept the worst construction—that you sat on the Committee in order to destroy its object—but there seems only one alternative. Many a promising youth has been wrecked by weakness.

H.M. the Tourist. We are sorry we cannot publish your adventures, which betray a sense of humour. Have a shot at some topic of College interest.

Captain, Second Fifteen. It requires more pluck to stick to a team which gets licked by 52—0 than to join a club which seldom gets beaten. You can look the College in the face better than some we wot of.

H.H.O. We agree with you that debates should be regarded more seriously. The shocking impropriety and shamelessness of your friend who seconded a motion and afterwards confessed he thought he had agreed to support the opposing side, betrays the fact that the "politian" element has invaded our halls.

E.L. Your ode to A.G.Q. received. It is readable, but smacks some-what of the work of a contemporary. Perhaps the opening lines will be sufficient to effect your purpose. We regret we have not space for the remainder.

"When you've finished with your drawing and your book is scrawled all thro',
When you've criticised the students all around,
Will you kindly sum the knowledge that you've got within this College,
For it's varied if it isn't all quite sound?"

page 51

W. Bl——r. Your tract on the elevating influence of "penny dreadfuls" shows a wide knowledge of a certain class of literature, but it is not a class we wish to advertise. We think you would be more successful in drama.

A.B.—Yes, work in pairs. We do not accept the gospel of give and take as laid down by you and Kipling. There's too much give on one side (we won't say which), too much take on the other. Your calculations are fairly comparable, though we think no good purpose would be served by publishing the results.

F. Sm——th. Yes, on the principle that half a loaf is better than no bread, one golosh may be considered better than no goloshes. It would, however, be advisable to wear it on alternate feet at every third telegraph post. Your song, " Where I Go my Golosh Goes," is rather defective in metre.