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The Spike or Victoria College Review, June 1903

[review of tennis club activities]

Tennis Notes

Tennis Notes

TThe Victoria College Tennis Club has every reason to congratulate itself on the Season of 1902-3. Its membership increased from 37 to 45; its teams performed creditably its members were enthusiastic and its Saturday afternoon practices were looked forward to with the same eagerness as they used to be three years ago. The Club, in fact, again proved itself the most valuable social institution in the College.

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The success of the Tennis Club was not achieved without struggle. A club which aspires to take a place among the best clubs of 'Wellington should have more than two courts. Matches must be played, and a match means two courts for a whole afternoon. This means that those players who are not in the teams are frequently unable to get a game on Saturday afternoons, and they often fall out of the club altogether. Beginners, too, often fall out because they think that they are in the way when better players are waiting for a game. It is hard to convince them of the fact that the members of the Victoria College Tennis Club are always happy to devote themselves to helping their weaker brethren on Saturday afternoon.

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There is thus urgent need for another court, and we hope that the Victoria College Council will lay down four courts at the new buildings, and give the Committee of two years hence an opportunity of providing for all its members.

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Early in the season the question of providing seats at the courts looked like involving the club in financial ruin. It is proposed to send the first seat made to the museum—maker's name and price attached.

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The Treasurer, Miss F. G. Roberts, has reason to be proud of her surplus of ten guineas. Last year's surplus turned out a minus quantity.

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It is rumoured that two Primus stoves are for sale—cheap. Information can be obtained from the Secretary.

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The Wellington Lawn Tennis Association is to be congratulated on having inaugurated its Provincial Championship Club scheme. We congratulate the Thorndon Club on being the first winner. We were proud to be runners up for Wellington.

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Many of our ladies are away during the summer months and there is occasionally great difficulty in filling up our teams. We have to thank some ex-students who came to our aid in the hour of need.

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One of the pleasantest events of the season was the trip to Otaki. We had a beautifully-fine day, and the Otaki Tennis Club laid itself out to make us enjoy ourselves. We hope that this will not be our last match with the Otaki Club.

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We have to thank the Newtown Club for two very pleasant practice games.

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An account of the Tennis at the Easter Tournament is given in another place.

The following are the results of the matches played:—