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The Spike or Victoria College Review, June 1903

Second Team

Second Team.

V.C. v. Brougham Hill. Lost, 3—10. Will won his single. Brails ford and Bee made a good fight in the Men's Doubles, winning 9—8.

V.C.v. Brougham Hill. Lost, 6—7. A very close match. Th games were 79 to 89.

V.C. V. Khandallah. Won, 8—5. An interesting game.

V.C. v. Newtown. Won, 9—4.

V.C. v. Wellington. Lost, 4—9. Bee and 0. Prouse won the singles and double. Miss Roberts scored a meritorious win.

Totals.—Won 2, lost 3. Sets: For, 30; against, 35. Games: For, 37 5; against, 422.