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The Spike or Victoria College Review, June 1906

Alteration in Senior Scholarship Regulations

Alteration in Senior Scholarship Regulations.

The College Council is not the only body which is beginning to bestir itself. The University Senate is also awakening from its conservative and "dogmatic slumbers." The Senate is a body which we hold in considerable estimation, consisting, as it does, of sober and respectable men, who endeavour, according to their abilities, to do the right, but at the same time, there is no denying that it has been almost impossible, up to the present, to lead it out of the ruts of immemorial tradition. However, the thing has at last been done. The Senate has amended the Senior Scholarship Regulations, and thereby removed a long-standing rock of offence. A Scholarship is now awarded in each of the B.A. degree subjects, Hebrew and Education excepted. In former years only one Scholarship was given for two out of the three languages, English, French and German, whereas in Latin and Greek one each was given. Now this was most unfair. Unquestionably there is quite as much work required to be done to reach Scholarship standard in English or German, as there is in Latin or Greek, and it is strange that the Senate should have so long ignored this obvious fact. However, we must congratulate the Senate upon its amendment, tardy though it is.