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The Spike or Victoria College Review, June 1906

Leeding the Lions

Leeding the Lions.

"Philosophers find joy in books,
The outer world, not heeding;
But even they are mortal, for
They all require feeding."


The Committee of the Students' Association this year hit upon the idea of bringing the candidates for the Rhodes' Scholarship together on the day before the choice was made, when they were all assembled in Wellington. Thus it was that W. Gillanders, President of the Association, presided at a luncheon given in their honour at the Keiburne Kiosk. On either side of the Chairman sat the four candidates, Messrs. Pickmere of Auckland, Currie of Canterbury, Farquharson of Otago and Sprott of Wellington. Speeches were made, and conjecture was rife as to who was to be the fortunate one, everybody expecting a keen contest.

It is to be hoped that this function will be continued annually, as it proved a great success.