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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, October 1916

Glee Club

page 90

Glee Club

"God giveth speech to all, song to the few."

Female academic writing on music score

Though our membership is not as great as it was last term—examinations of course loom large—the enthusiasts who remain, have made the club a very active one. Just before vacation, we gave a concert in the Y.M.C.A. Hall at Trentham Camp, and had a most enjoyable time. Our Annual Concert to the Missions to Seamen, was held on Thursday, August 17th. Though our audience was fairly small, we had our usual amount of fun. During the interval, a prize for the funniest short story was offered, and this competition together with the asking of conundrums provided much amusement.

Our evening at the Soldiers' Club was an entirely novel experience. Not only were we responsible for the entertainment, but we had also to provide and dispense tea and supper to the soldiers. Operations were commenced at 4 p.m., with the cutting of sandwiches and the setting of the table. From 6 o'clock till 7.30, the men came in in relays for their tea, and we were kept busy making tea, and replenishing innumerable empty cups. Entertaining the men was an easy problem, for we simply gave them a few glees, some popular songs, and played cards with them. From 9.30 till 11 we dispensed supper, and we were very busy right up till train time.

By far our best concert this year was given at Trentham Camp on August 26th, the programme consisting of glees, vocal solos, duets, quartets, and recitations. page 91 As usual we were entertained at supper in the Officers' Mess.

Our warmest thanks are due to the following ladies who have assisted us at these concerts:—Misses Marie Fix, E. Smith, J. Petrie and L. Martin. We are very grateful to Miss Wood for having acted as chaperone so willingly on all these occasions.

Our Annual College Concert will be held on the last day of terms examinations, and the proceeds will go to the College Patriotic Fund. We are looking forward to the trip to Porirua, when Degree examinations are over, and we are contemplating another visit to the Missions to Seamen, and to Trentham.