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The Spike or Victoria College Review October 1928

Basketball Club

Basketball Club

Under the able coaching of Miss Sheppard, the Basketball Club has enjoyed a successful season. Three teams have played throughout and done credit to the College. The A. Team, despite a run of bad luck in the first round, was placed second equal in the Senior A. competition. Two matches have been played against neighboring colleges where, on both occasions, Varsity registered a win Against Wellington Girls' College the score stood at 22-18, while we were successful against Wellington East College by 19-8. A pleasant afternoon was spent at each match and the play was keen and fast. We are now looking forward to a trip to Hutt Valley where a similar contest awaits us.

This year our social activities have not been outstanding. At different times teams have visited the Borstal Institute at Point Halswell. These visits were very enjoyable for all concerned and we hope they were successful in giving the girls a new interest in the game.

Next year we intend to make an earlier start and to train consistently in order to be more prepared for the Easter Tournament. Victoria has not yet won the basketball event, but we shall, at least, not be lacking in enthusiasm for the next effort. We are always ready to welcome new members who can obtain any information by application to any of the committee.