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The Spike or Victoria College Review October 1928



The excellent start in the club championships made by our team was maintained, and we have annexed the Senior Championship. This is the first time 'Varsity has accomplished this since before the war. In the inter-Varsity tournament we were not so successful, being runners-up to Otago University. We lost by 3-2, after a splendid game. Massey, Frazer and Simpson, gained places in a New Zealand University team which played Wellington and won 2-1.

McLeod, Massey, Paul, Sykes, Simpson and Frazer, were chosen to represent Wellington at various times.

Results of Club Matches:—Out of 12 matches played, we won 8, drew 3, and lost 1.

v. Y.M.C.A. Won 3-1.

v. Petone. Won 7-3.

v. Wesley. Drawn 2-2.

v. Karori. Won 2-1.

v. Hutt. Drawn 3-3. This was a fast game which we should have won, but we were lucky to make a draw in the end. Scorers: Simpson, Lewis, and Frazer.

v. Wellinton. Drawn 2-2. We were in their twenty-five more than three-quarters of the time. Their defence was good and our forwards' shooting atrocious. Paul and McLeod scored.

v. Y.M.C.A. Won 4-1. A better game. McArthur and Paul combined very well. Lewis and McLeod were also bright spots. Scorers were Paul (2), McLeod and Simpson.

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v. Petone. Won 4-1. Even game in first half, but Petone were outclassed towards end of second half. The forwards combined well. Scorers were Frazer (2), Simpson, and Lewis.

v. Wesley. Won 6-1. Very fast game; even in first spell. The three inside forwards combined excellently and were well fed by the halves, McLeod especially being prominent. Scorers: Sykes (2), Simpson (2), Lewis and Frazer.

v. Karori. Won 3-1. The whole team played very well with Francis, McArthur and James outstandin. Scorers: Simpson (2) and Sykes.

v. Hutt. Lost 5-4. A fast, interesting game—forward and individual; halves played well. James at full-back and French in goal did very well. Scorers: Sykes, Paul, and Frazer (2).

v. Wellington. Won 2-1. A good game in first half. McArthur and McLeod played well in the halves, and Frazer, McDuff and Paul in the forwards. Scorers: McDuff and Frazer.