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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1931. Volume 2. Number 1.

The Editor, "Smad"

The Editor,


Dear Sir,

In our midst there exists a society which is presumably for the purpose of encouraging debating in the college.

Even though I have witnessed five Plunkct Medal and Joynt Scroll contests, I still admit that there may be a little dormant talent in the society. It remains dormant mainly because the committee rarely offers its members any subject upon which they may debate in the true sense of the word. The subjects are one sided affairs, and the "debates" would be better renamed wrangles.

Several of the subjects chosen during the last season are to be most accurately described as ridiculous, as for instance "that the college woman lacks charm" and another on the emergence of the woman from the home.

These are subjects apparently chosen solely to give the men an opportunity to make many untrue, insulting, and highly disparaging statements about women, which, I think, they would be ashamed to admit outside a debate.

After these cheery little discourses on women, the men say they cannot understand the college women objecting to their representatives on the Executive being elected by the men.

It is also noticeable that the society's syllabus never contains any topic which enables the women to express their opinion of the men. Is this, I wonder, due to the fact that they realise that the disclosures would be too galling, or because they wish to hide their light under a bushel?

Yours in annoyance,
