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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 1998-99: VUWAE 43

Satellite imagery

Satellite imagery.

  • DMSP. Infra red weather satellite images were processed and supplied primarily by Andy page break Archer of ASA HQ. Denver every few days throughout the 1998 winter months when good cloud-free images were available. These images have a spatial resolution of about 500 m per pixel and are useful for providing a history of the fast ice limit through the winter, thus allowing a judgement to be made on whether the sea ice is likely to be suitable for drilling in the spring.
  • RADAR SAT. A series of these images were processed and made available to CRP by Bob Onstott, ERIM Michigan in 1998. These images have a resolution in the order of 35 m per pixel and are used to determine the WINFLY reconnaissance sea ice routes to Cape Roberts and drill sites areas. The timing of the successful acquisition of these images can be a problem but they were once again available at the beginning of the WINFLY period. I believe that with GPS navigational control data now to hand that future images will become an even better navigational tool vital for the early season sea-ice reconnaissance operations.