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Armageddon or Calvary: The Conscientious Objectors of New Zealand and "The Process of Their Conversion"

Appendix I

Appendix I.

Mr. Corboys an Australian Member of Parliament, who went to the war as a volunteer, made the following statement in public after his return from active service:—

"A man crimed for a trivial offence was awaiting punishment. He was ill. We had to make a long march from one part of the line to another, He paraded ill before the doctor. The colonel of the battalion, who was not a doctor, said that the man was malingering. They got a rope and tied him behind a limber. They told him to march, and he could not march; and they dragged him for miles behind that horse limber, along cobblestone roads. He was cut and bleeding and half dead. The colonel and the adjutant rode back to him, and asked: "Will you march now? He said: 'I cannot march; I am too ill.' They said: 'We'll break your spirit; we'll make you.' They took him up and lashed him breast high with the rope up against the back of the cart, and dragged him along in that manner. That is Prussianism for you, and it happened in an Australian battalion. It was my own battalion, and my own colonel and adjutant were the guilty officers."