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Evening Activities

Evening Activities

The chaplains organised many evening activities in Syria, but it is necessary to point out that the good chaplain thought of himself as a Minister of Religion first and foremost and never allowed welfare duties to overshadow his real work. He spent his day with the men as they worked, and in the evening wandered around the canteens and the huts where the men lived. In this way he got to know his flock and his visiting would lead to private interviews, small voluntary services, and classes for religious instruction. But of course religion and welfare are closely bound together, and the chaplains were always eager to help anything that promoted mental and spiritual health, though they objected strongly when too material a view was taken of their calling.

In the long, dark evenings in Syria the chaplains turned their hands to many tasks. They organised foreign language classes, often acting as the instructors. They arranged lectures, debates, discussions, card tournaments, and concerts, and after the Church
black and white photograph of soldiers resting

Advanced Dressing Station, 4 September 1942, battle of Alam Halfa

black and white photograph of soldiers burial

Desert burial, Divisional CavalryEl Agheila

black and white photograph of priest

Rev. J. T. Holland by his altar, Christmas Day 1942Nofilia

black and white photograph of soldiers burial

Burial ServiceTunisia

black and white photograph of group of soldiers

PADRES AT MAADI, June 1943 Back row (l. to r.): D. D. Thorpe, J. J. Fletcher, S. C. Read, R. F. Judson. H. B. Burnett, H. G. Taylor. L. P. Spring, J. F. Henley, J. T. Holland, J. M. Templer, F. J. Green, J. S. Somerville, A. C. K. Harper. E. A. ForsmanCentre row: H.S. Scott, F. O. Dawson, P. C. S. Sergel, W. J. Thompson, M. L. Underhill, H. W. West, V. D. Callaghan. J. W. Rodgers, C. G. Palmer Front row: R. Hannah, W. R. Francis, W. A. Mills, F. H. Buck. J. W. McKenzie. G. V. Gerard. T. E. Champion. R. T. Dodds

black and white photograph of soldier playing musical instrument

Rev. J. W. McKenzie plays his violin as accompaniment for an evening service in the desert, July 1942

page 47 services on Sunday mornings ran a kind of tourist office, sending parties off in trucks to places of interest in the surrounding country.