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Pacific Pioneers: the story of the engineers of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the Pacific

[Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (Obe)]

Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (Obe)

Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Murray, CRE Third NZ Division, gave valuable services as CRE Third Division during the actions which resulted in the capture of Vella Lavella, Treasury Islands and the Green (Nissan) Islands Group. Lieutenant-Colonel Murray has been responsible for the training of engineer services of this division and for their re-organisation and equipment to meet the very special conditions of tropical island warfare. In a series of operations in which the work of the engineers was always a special and difficult problem Lieutenant-Colonel Murray and his field companies performed every task with the greatest credit to themselves and to the corps to which they belong.

Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (Obe)

Major William Gordon McKay. OC 20th Field Company, for long and valuable services in Fiji and later in command of a field company of engineers in New Caledonia, Guadalcanal and Vella; Lavella. This officer has successfully undertaken many responsible engineering projects and was for a time CRE, Third Division, in Fiji. His record is one of hard work, skilful direction and untiring energy and is a credit not only to himself but to the corps to which he belongs.

Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE)

Warrant-Officer First Class Clifford Rae Bayley, Hq Div. Engineers, has a record of distinguished and faithful service covering a period of three years with 2nd Nzefip in Fiji, New page 126Caledonia, Vella Lavella and Nissan. At all times he had proved to be a valuable and reliable NCO, carrying the full confidence of his officers and the respect of his men.