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‘Guardians and Wards’ : (A study of the origins, causes, and the first two years of the Mau in Western Samoa.)

Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

Preface V


CHAPTER I: Epidemics 12
1. The introduction of foreign diseases into Samoa and their consequences.
2. The Great Influenza Epidemic of 1918.
CHAPTER II: Politics (‘Queens and Pawns’) 19
1. The resumption of the struggle between Pule and Tumua.
2. Foreign interference in Samoan affairs, and its effects. Attempts to establish a stable Samoan government.
3. Partition.
CHAPTER III: Germans and Rebels 26
1. The Ta'imua-Faipule ‘revolt’.
2. The Mau of Pule led by Lauati.
CHAPTER IV: Dreamers, Soldiers, the Adopted Child 32
1. New Zealand aspires to a Pacific ‘empire’.
2. New Zealand Military rule and its effects.
3. Samoan reaction.
CHAPTER V: The League, the Colonel, the Moody Child 36
1. The type of Mandate granted to New Zealand by the League of Nations.
2. The system of civil administration established by New Zealand.
3. Colonel Tate and Samoan unrest.
CHAPTER VI: Discontent on the Beach 46
1. The establishment of Apia, and the growth of a part-European population.
2. The causes and growth of European discontent.
3. The Administration's racial policy. page break
CHAPTER VII: Citizens All 52
1. The growth of organised European agitation.
2. O. F. Nelson and the establishment of a permanent Citizens' Committee.
CHAPTER VIII: Attitudes, Views, Myths 58
1. Papalagi racial myths concerning the Samoans and part-Europeans.
2. Samoan myths concerning the papalagi.
3. These three groups' views concerning the present and future of Western Samoa.


CHAPTER I: The General and the Adopted Child 65
1. Richardson's policy: theory and practice.
2. His policy regarding the European-part-European residents.
CHAPTER II: ‘The Mau’ (1926-27) 76
1. European reaction to Richardson.
2. Nelson's preparations for the proposed visit of the Minister of External Affairs.
3. The first concrete links between the Europeans and Samoans.
4. The first public meeting, October.
5. The second public meeting, November.
6. Richardson's reaction to the European-Samoan alliance.
7. The growth of Samoan support; the Samoans take control of Mau leadership. The effects of this.
8. The meeting between the Citizen's Committee and the Minister Nosworthy.
9. The Royal Commission of 1927, and the evidence brought before it.
10. The Report of the Royal Commission.
CHAPTER III: Of Myths and Men 98
1. Olaf Frederick Nelson. An attempt to find out what type of man O. F. Nelson was. His motives for participating in the Mau. page break
2. Sir George Spafford Richardson. A study of the man; his motives and objectives. 105
CHAPTER IV: A Matter of Interpretation 111
1. An attempt to arrive at an interpretation of the Mau.
2. Written partly in interior monologue, expressing the author's doubts.