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Samoan Material Culture

Figure 91.—Plaited mailo platters:

Figure 91.—Plaited mailo platters:

Figure 91.—Plaited mailo platters:

a, With the under surface (tua) upwards, the strip bearing the dextrals is placed on the left with the two midrib strips practically in line. The three alternate dextrals (6, 4, and 2) are raised and the first leaflet from the right strip forming the first sinistral (1') is laid over the recumbent dextrals (1, 3, and 5). The leaflets from the strip on the right form natural sinistrals. When the first sinistral is placed in position, the others are held out of the way in the right hand. b, The left hand as it drops the raised dextrals over the first sinistral picks up the three recumbent dextrals and forms the shed for the second sinistral (2') which the right hand drops into position. With each movement, the left hand drops back one set of alternates and picks up the other and the right hand drops in the next sinistral until all six sinistrals have crossed the dextrals and have been plaited in. The dextrals projecting beyond the outside marginal sinistral (6') are gathered up and tied with an overhand knot (7). The projecting sinistrals beyond the marginal dextral (6) on the left are similarly dealt with and the mailo is completed. See Plate XII, C, 1, where each strip carried six leaflets. The leaflets throughout are kept open. The under surface of the leaflets being upwards, the platter has a slight concavity.