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Samoan Material Culture

Figure 103.—Basket (ola malu) commencement:

Figure 103.—Basket (ola malu) commencement:

Figure 103.—Basket (ola malu) commencement:

a, The sinistral wefts are placed over the dextral and its strip is nearer to the plaiter. The first sinistral (1) is left free and the first dextral (1') is raised. The second sinistral (2) passes under the dextral (1') which is dropped and the next dextral (2') picked up. The next sinistral (3) thus passes under (2') and over (1'). The dropped dextral (1') is picked up, the raised dextral (2') dropped and the next dextral (3') picked up. The next sinistral (4) is placed in the shed. The picking up of alternate dextrals and placing the next sinistral in the shed provided carries on until a working edge is provided. The working edge is then continued on to the right end of the strip. b, The right end is brought around and is thus on the left in the figure. The last sinistral (10) has passed under the second last dextral (9'). The last dextral (10') is raised with the alternate series of dextrals (8,' 6,' 4') while (9') and the other alternates (7,' 5') are left down. Into this shed, the first sinistral (1) from the commencing end of the strip fits naturally and the end is closed automatically by the usual technique.