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Samoan Material Culture

Figure 248.—Amatasi plank canoe (after Kramer)

Figure 248.—Amatasi plank canoe (after Kramer).

Figure 248.—Amatasi plank canoe (after Kramer).

Short middle boom with 2 diagonal pieces of timber (2) crossing diagonally from the hull (3) to outer ends of the 2 outrigger booms (4). Above the crossed diagonals and below the outrigger booms, a number of spaced planks (5) form a platform which reaches to the outer ends of the booms. The float (6) is cut off square behind the attachments to the aft boom, but it does not project far forwards. The spar (7) is evidently lashed to the fore boom. A spar (8) is run out from the hull near the aft boom and lashed to the outer end of the spar (7) while another spar (9) also runs out to it. The part (10) is the suati (balancing spar). The spar (11) for the sail is shown down with the side stays (12) and a forward stay (13) attached to its end.