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Samoan Material Culture

Figure 255.—Coconut leaf sweeps:

Figure 255.—Coconut leaf sweeps:

Figure 255.—Coconut leaf sweeps:

a, the lauloa coconut leaf sweep with winged net. The purse net (1) with its wings (2) spread is set in the channel with the extensions (3) of banana leaf (lau fa'i). The coconut leaf sweep (4, 5) is carried along in a curve in the directions of the arrows to meet the banana leaf extensions of the set net. b, Leaf sweep with mat cone (tu'i): side view of (tu'i) cone made of from 50 to 200 floor mats sewn together with sennit braid for which holes are pierced through the overlapping edges of the mats with a pointed stick. The mats at the entrance (1) are turned up at the sides but do not meet above. Further back they meet (2) and are sewn together to form a closed cone. A sennit loop is attached above where the closed part commences to support a pole (4) which is held up to keep the entrance opening patent. Stones (5) are placed on the bottom of the entrance (mata niu) to anchor the cone to the bottom, a stone (6) tied to the end of the cone to keep it straight is termed a taula (anchor). c, The mat cone (1) is set close to the shore, a leaf sweep (2) with one end stationary on the outer side of the cone is stretched out towards the reef. A second leaf sweep (3) is stretched some distance away, parallel with the first and with its near end reaching the shore. The first sweep (2) pivots on its stationary end and the two sweeps move in the direction of the arrows until the outer ends meet. d, Leaf sweep with scoop net for i'a sina: the 'enu scoop net (1) is set; two leaf sweeps (2, 3) with one end stationary on either side of the net are swept around in a curve until the outer ends (taiao) meet when they are tied together (soso'o), the curved sides are brought together (fo le lau), and the fish driven into the net which the expert in charge lifts (to 'enu), empties into a basket and sets again for the process to be repeated. The leaf sweeps used are short ranging from 6 to 12 fathoms in length.