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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 3 (July 1, 1933)

“How beautiful is youth, how bright it gleams — With its illusions, aspirations, dreams!”—Longfellow. — Our Children's Gallery.—(1) John and Elliot Sirett; (2) Stuart and Douglas McDonald; (3) Billy and Edna Hansen; (4) Betty and Joan Sunnet; (5) Ena, Ruby, Della and Mona Luxon; (6) Ngaire and Basil Marsh; (7) Mavis and Bobby Wood; (8) Reginald Small; (9) Neoline and Eric Thomas; (10) Marie and Charlie McManus; (11) Leila Pilcher; (12) victor, Allan, Isobel, Norman and Eunice Baxter; (13) Eunic…

“How beautiful is youth, how bright it gleams With its illusions, aspirations, dreams!”—Longfellow. Our Children's Gallery.—(1) John and Elliot Sirett; (2) Stuart and Douglas McDonald; (3) Billy and Edna Hansen; (4) Betty and Joan Sunnet; (5) Ena, Ruby, Della and Mona Luxon; (6) Ngaire and Basil Marsh; (7) Mavis and Bobby Wood; (8) Reginald Small; (9) Neoline and Eric Thomas; (10) Marie and Charlie McManus; (11) Leila Pilcher; (12) victor, Allan, Isobel, Norman and Eunice Baxter; (13) Eunice Birt—all of Napier.

“How beautiful is youth, how bright it gleams
With its illusions, aspirations, dreams!”—Longfellow.
Our Children's Gallery.—(1) John and Elliot Sirett; (2) Stuart and Douglas McDonald; (3) Billy and Edna Hansen; (4) Betty and Joan Sunnet; (5) Ena, Ruby, Della and Mona Luxon; (6) Ngaire and Basil Marsh; (7) Mavis and Bobby Wood; (8) Reginald Small; (9) Neoline and Eric Thomas; (10) Marie and Charlie McManus; (11) Leila Pilcher; (12) victor, Allan, Isobel, Norman and Eunice Baxter; (13) Eunice Birt—all of Napier.