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Nelson Historical Society Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, August 1976

D'Urville's Astrolabe, a corvette or flush-decked warship with one tier of guns. She sailed under the name of Coquille on her first visit to New Zealand 1822/1825. She was 95' long, 26' beam, and 14' 6" draught. This model belongs to the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, and is in Pompalher House, Russell. — —photo Noel Edwards

D'Urville's Astrolabe, a corvette or flush-decked warship with one tier of guns. She sailed under the name of Coquille on her first visit to New Zealand 1822/1825. She was 95' long, 26' beam, and 14' 6" draught. This model belongs to the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, and is in Pompalher House, Russell.—photo Noel Edwards.

D'Urville's Astrolabe, a corvette or flush-decked warship with one tier of guns. She sailed under the name of Coquille on her first visit to New Zealand 1822/1825. She was 95' long, 26' beam, and 14' 6" draught. This model belongs to the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, and is in Pompalher House, Russell.
—photo Noel Edwards.