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Nelson Historical Society Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, August 1976

The artist with D'Urville's expedition faithfully recorded the aspect of a small Maori village and its inhabitants, on a beach at Astrolabe Roadstead. In the middle of the beach two well-dressed Frenchmen watch friendly Maoris launch a canoe

The artist with D'Urville's expedition faithfully recorded the aspect of a small Maori village and its inhabitants, on a beach at Astrolabe Roadstead. In the middle of the beach two well-dressed Frenchmen watch friendly Maoris launch a canoe.

The artist with D'Urville's expedition faithfully recorded the aspect of a small Maori village and its inhabitants, on a beach at Astrolabe Roadstead. In the middle of the beach two well-dressed Frenchmen watch friendly Maoris launch a canoe.