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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47

Comparison of Five Years as to Malt

Fiscal Year. In Warehouse at commencement of period. Manufactured during the year. Taken for Consumption. Exported. Otherunse accounted for. In Warehouse at end of period. Memo, of Revenue accrued thereon, including License Fees. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. $ 1872-73.... 13,381,439 44,133,995 33,955,694 10,193,631 504,068 12,862,041 358,332 1873-74.... 12,862,041 31,802,989 33,369,016 6,233,367 412,292 4,650,355 354,765 1874-75.... 4,650,355 41,039,986 33,016,082 4,677,960 33,360 7,962,939 851,386 1875-76.... 7,962,939 51,876,385 30,693,447 10,123,378 7,190 19,015,309 327,709 1876-77... 19,015,309 39,235,298 28,878,551 11,577,814 2,910 17,791,332 389,257

Comparison of Five Years as to Malt.