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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47

Year ended 30th June. In Warehouse July. Manufactured during the year. Taken for Consumption. Exported. Otherwise accounted for. In Warehouse 30th June. Raw Leaf taken for Consumption. Total Tobacco taken for Consumption. Duty collected thereon including License Fees. Canadian. Foreign. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs, Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. $ 1872-73. 1,953,642 6,151,119 6,264,208 640,458 9,548 1,490,547 50,408 255,223 6,569,839 1,013,557 1673-74. 1,490,547 8,805,276 8,484,193 483,357 12,989 1,315,284 11…

Year ended 30th June. In Warehouse July. Manufactured during the year. Taken for Consumption. Exported. Otherwise accounted for. In Warehouse 30th June. Raw Leaf taken for Consumption. Total Tobacco taken for Consumption. Duty collected thereon including License Fees. Canadian. Foreign. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs, Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. $ 1872-73. 1,953,642 6,151,119 6,264,208 640,458 9,548 1,490,547 50,408 255,223 6,569,839 1,013,557 1673-74. 1,490,547 8,805,276 8,484,193 483,357 12,989 1,315,284 113,797 277,634 8,875,624 1,401,271 1871-75. 1,315,284 9,567,152 6,575,443 359,809 16,690 3,930,494 65,529 228,172 6,869,144 1,434,778 1875-76. 3,930,494 7,168,446 8,353,955 630,492 5,802 2,108,691 11,932 158,272 8,524,159 1,775,450 1876-77. 2,108,691 8,991,610 7,720,633 609,519 22,927 2,715.745 8, 87,20 7,816 466 1,630,390