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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 68

—Water. Fat. Albuminoids. Milk-and Cane-sugar. Ash. Italian milk (Milan) sent to England 22.69 10.45 14.84 49.9 2.11 Norwegian .. .. 24.94 9.50 15.36 m. 15.63 c. 32.14 2.43 Anglo-Swiss (Aylesbury Branch) 25.10 11.73 15.17 m. 16.24 c. 29.46 2.3 Anglo-Swiss (made in Switzerland) 24 to 25 9.5 to 10.5 11.5 to 12.5 m. 11 to 13 c. 39.40 2 London Show, competing samples, 1880 21.68 to 24.53 6.22 to 10 7.43 to 9.44 56.98 to 58.6 2. 09 to 2.23 Anglo-Swiss (American) .. 29.46 8.11 10.22 50.41 1.80 (Swiss…

—Water. Fat. Albuminoids. Milk-and Cane-sugar. Ash. Italian milk (Milan) sent to England 22.69 10.45 14.84 49.9 2.11 Norwegian .. .. 24.94 9.50 15.36 m. 15.63 c. 32.14 2.43 Anglo-Swiss (Aylesbury Branch) 25.10 11.73 15.17 m. 16.24 c. 29.46 2.3 Anglo-Swiss (made in Switzerland) 24 to 25 9.5 to 10.5 11.5 to 12.5 m. 11 to 13 c. 39.40 2 London Show, competing samples, 1880 21.68 to 24.53 6.22 to 10 7.43 to 9.44 56.98 to 58.6 2. 09 to 2.23 Anglo-Swiss (American) .. 29.46 8.11 10.22 50.41 1.80 (Swiss) .. 25.51 8.51 10.71 53.27 2 Eagle brand (American).. 27.30 6 10.77 44.47 1.86 Alderney Co. (American) 30.05 10 .08 12.04 46.01 1.89 New York Granulated Co. 55.43 13.16 14.04 14.84 2.53