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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 68

New Zealand Railways

Distances. Total No. of Passengers carried at Government Fares. Total Revenue. Number of Pass, liners computed to give the same Revenue at Mr. Vaile's Fares. The Increases I require for the various distances are as follows:— Equal Nos. of each Class. Two 1st class to one 2nd. £ s. d. Not exceeding 3 miles .. .. 55,518½ 1,215 12 1 59,588 55,860 3 miles and under, 1-14th of a fare Over 3 and not exceeding 5 miles .. 94,781 2,801 17 5 130,100 121,975 3 to 5 miles, ? of a fare Over 5 and not exceeding 7 miles .. 96,604½ 3,435 2 0 157,176 147,356 5 to 7 miles, 3-5th of a fare Over 7 and not exceeding 10 miles 46,045½ 2,144 4 3 60,012 56,259 7 to 10 miles, ? of a fare Total .. .. .. .. 292,949½ 9,596 15 9 406,876 381,450 Over 10 and not exceeding 30 miles 75,562½ 8,324 10 10 194,445 182,292 10 to 30 miles, 1½ fares Over 30 and not exceeding 50 miles 31,640 7,322 17 6 81.842 76,731 30 to 50 miles, 1½ fares Over 50 miles .. .. .. .. 24,762 14,665 13 1 134,291 125,900 50 miles and upwards, 4½ fares Gross total .. .. .. 424,914 39,909 17 2 817,454 766,373 Accountant's Office, Wellington. A. C. Fife, Accountant.

New Zealand Railways.

Summary of Passengers carried on the Auckland Section, under different Stages (Helensville to Morrinsville), for the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1886. The column Is added by Mr. Vaile. This Calculation is based on equal numbers of each class.