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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, October 1916

FLETCHER'S - - PHOSOHATONIC This well-known scientific preparation, containing Phosphorus, Quinine, lron, etc., in an agreeable and easily assimilated form, is highly appreciated by the large number of sufferers whose lost vigour has been restored by its marvelous tonic and recuperative properties. FLETCHE'S PHOSPHATONICpromotes health, strength, and energy, restores lost vitality, and braces up the whole nervous system. It is a great brain food, and the best remedy for weakness, depression and…

FLETCHER'S - - PHOSOHATONIC This well-known scientific preparation, containing Phosphorus, Quinine, lron, etc., in an agreeable and easily assimilated form, is highly appreciated by the large number of sufferers whose lost vigour has been restored by its marvelous tonic and recuperative properties. FLETCHE'S PHOSPHATONICpromotes health, strength, and energy, restores lost vitality, and braces up the whole nervous system. It is a great brain food, and the best remedy for weakness, depression and low state of the nerves, and a valuable stimulant to the digestive organs, and is the best tonic and pick-me-up for all affections of the nervous system. It is sold in bottles at 2/6 and 4/6 each, And will be forwarded post free to any address by the sole proprietor. SOLE ADDRESS: CHAS. A. FLETCHER PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, 292 Lambton Quay6, Wellington