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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, October 1916

Winter Sports NEW GOODSF just arrived from the Best English Makers now on view at our showrooms. FOOTBALLS (Rugby and Association),—Gilbert's Match, Bryan's Shire, Bussey's Association. Also Inflators, Ear-Guards, Bladders, Lacing Awls, &c. HOCKEY STICKS.—All Weights, Rings, Shin-Guards and Balls. GOLE STICKS.—We especially call the attention of Golf players to our new assortment of Sticks, as every care has been taken in their selection. Bulgar Drivers, Brassies. Lofting Irons. Mashies. Drivin…

Winter Sports NEW GOODSF just arrived from the Best English Makers now on view at our showrooms. FOOTBALLS (Rugby and Association),—Gilbert's Match, Bryan's Shire, Bussey's Association. Also Inflators, Ear-Guards, Bladders, Lacing Awls, &c. HOCKEY STICKS.—All Weights, Rings, Shin-Guards and Balls. GOLE STICKS.—We especially call the attention of Golf players to our new assortment of Sticks, as every care has been taken in their selection. Bulgar Drivers, Brassies. Lofting Irons. Mashies. Driving lrons, Cleeks. putters. Golf Balls, Caddie Bags, Paint, Cleaners, Caddy Polish, &c. BOXING GLOVES.—Champion, Gold Cape, American Pattern, Sergeant Morley, and Pullman's Improved. Striking Bags. Punch Ball Gloves Bladders, Swivels, &c. GUNS.—Bonehill's, Hollis, Remington, and Webley-Scott's D.B.B.L. Hammerless. RIFLES.—Marlin, Winchester. CARTRIDGES.—Universal, Amberite, Club, Ballastite, Bonax, &c. JOHN DUTHIE & Co. Ltd. Showrooms: WILLIS ST. METALS AND HARDWAREMERCHANTS.