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The Spike or Victoria University College Review June 1918

The Motorist's Friend! The Sunshine Vulcaniser Complete Consists of One Nickel-Plated Clamp, One Package of Twelve Prepared Patches, and a handy piece of Sand Paper. Punctures Repaired in five minutes anywhere, any time, on the road, in the rain, heat, cold or storm. ENQUIRE FROM THE LOCAL GARAGES Price 13/6 Each INGLIS BROS. & CO. LIMITED Sole Distributors Harris Street - - Wellington Students are requested to mention "The Spike" When patronizing advertiser

The Motorist's Friend! The Sunshine Vulcaniser Complete Consists of One Nickel-Plated Clamp, One Package of Twelve Prepared Patches, and a handy piece of Sand Paper. Punctures Repaired in five minutes anywhere, any time, on the road, in the rain, heat, cold or storm. ENQUIRE FROM THE LOCAL GARAGES Price 13/6 Each INGLIS BROS. & CO. LIMITED Sole Distributors Harris Street - - Wellington Students are requested to mention "The Spike" When patronizing advertiser