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The Spike or Victoria University College Review June 1918

FOR DIC QUALITY "Man wants but little here below, and that little he wants good." IT doesn't matter much to the average young man whether it is a Collar Stud or a Suit—he wants it good, as a rule. That's why so many fellows buy all their togs at the D.I.C. They know it is the "House for Quality." When you are down town, come in (special entrance for men. Panama Street) and have a tour of inspection; see all the Fine Clothes, also Hats and Mercery. There's an excellent stock of Boots and Shoes a…

FOR DIC QUALITY "Man wants but little here below, and that little he wants good." IT doesn't matter much to the average young man whether it is a Collar Stud or a Suit—he wants it good, as a rule. That's why so many fellows buy all their togs at the D.I.C. They know it is the "House for Quality." When you are down town, come in (special entrance for men. Panama Street) and have a tour of inspection; see all the Fine Clothes, also Hats and Mercery. There's an excellent stock of Boots and Shoes also—nobby styles. See them also. D.I.C. Panama Street Wellington