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Pacific Service: the story of the new Zealand Army Service Corps Units with the Third Division in the Pacific

After the Third Division returned from Fiji and reorganised, it moved to the Waikato for full-scale tactical exercises in the Kaimai Ranges. ASC used universal carriers to transport rations up to the bush line from Matamata. On the opposite page is the stepped track up which men of the ASC carried rations to units in the bosh and a picture showing a jeep attempting to negotiate the water-logged country side. During these exercises the division used its first allotment of jeeps

After the Third Division returned from Fiji and reorganised, it moved to the Waikato for full-scale tactical exercises in the Kaimai Ranges. ASC used universal carriers to transport rations up to the bush line from Matamata. On the opposite page is the stepped track up which men of the ASC carried rations to units in the bosh and a picture showing a jeep attempting to negotiate the water-logged country side. During these exercises the division used its first allotment of jeeps

After the Third Division returned from Fiji and reorganised, it moved to the Waikato for full-scale tactical exercises in the Kaimai Ranges. ASC used universal carriers to transport rations up to the bush line from Matamata. On the opposite page is the stepped track up which men of the ASC carried rations to units in the bosh and a picture showing a jeep attempting to negotiate the water-logged country side. During these exercises the division used its first allotment of jeeps