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Pacific Service: the story of the new Zealand Army Service Corps Units with the Third Division in the Pacific

The 16th MT company take their Christmas dinner among the niaoulis at Népoui, 1942. Below: Témala ferry, on the main road to Taom, New Caledonia, and a liberty ship docked at Népoui, an arid corner where the ASC handled many tons of supplies for the New Zealand troops

The 16th MT company take their Christmas dinner among the niaoulis at Népoui, 1942. Below: Témala ferry, on the main road to Taom, New Caledonia, and a liberty ship docked at Népoui, an arid corner where the ASC handled many tons of supplies for the New Zealand troops

The 16th MT company take their Christmas dinner among the niaoulis at Népoui, 1942. Below: Témala ferry, on the main road to Taom, New Caledonia, and a liberty ship docked at Népoui, an arid corner where the ASC handled many tons of supplies for the New Zealand troops