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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 3 (July 1, 1933)


Mr. E. Casey, whose appointment as Assistant General Manager of the New Zealand Railways, was announced last month, has been Chief Engineer of Railways since September, 1931.

Mr. Casey joined the engineering staff of the Railways as a Cadet in 1902, and subsequently served in Wanganui, Auckland, Greymouth and Ohakune Districts. In 1912, he took over the duties of Assistant Engineer, Auckland District, and in 1916 took charge of the grade easement works between Penrose and Mercer. In 1921 he was transferred to the Christchurch District, and was engaged in remodelling the station yards on the Midland line prior to the opening of the Otira Tunnel. When it was decided to proceed with the new station yard at Auckland, and the Auckland-Westfield new railway, Mr. Casey was specially selected to take charge of this work. In March, 1925, he was appointed Inspecting Engineer, with headquarters at Wellington, and was afterwards promoted to Divisional Superintendent in charge of the Traffic, Locomotive, and Maintenance Branches of the North Island, with headquarters at Auckland. In May, 1931, he became Assistant Chief Engineer of Railways at Wellington, and in September of the same year took over the duties of Chief Engineer.

Mr. Casey is held in high esteem by the commercial community, and his present appointment has been well received both in business and railway circles.

(S. P. Andrews, photo.) Mr. E. Casey.

(S. P. Andrews, photo.)
Mr. E. Casey.