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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 11, Issue 5 (August 1, 1936)



So long as Woman preserves the age-old illusion of her “helplessness” man will continue to lead while she pushes from behind; and everybody will be comparatively happy; but let her beware of the snare.

Some say that Woman lacks a sense of humour; yet she perpetrated one of the greatest jokes in history when she claimed “women's rights.” The joke was almost on her, and the only thing that saved her was that, when she claimed that she was the equal of Man, he refused to believe her, and so preserved her “rights” for her. For Woman possessed the patent rights of power before ever she fired a letter box or pelted a Prime Minister with tomatoes to get them. She fought for “Equality” when “Inequality” was her strongest weapon and “helplessness” her strongest lure.