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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 7 (October 2, 1939)

Close of the Holiday Season

Close of the Holiday Season.

The summer holiday season now draws to a close in Britain, and the group railways may well look back on the season's achievements with pride. Apart from the enormous number of excursion trains operated over all the main-lines, remarkable accelerations of ordinary passenger trains were everywhere the order of the day. In the summer time-tables of the L.M. & S. provision was made for the speedingup of no fewer than 110 trains, while among the services placed at the disposal of holiday-makers by this line were sixty-seven trains covering 6,883 miles daily at average start-tostop speeds of 60 m.p.h. or over. The additional holiday services of the L. & N.E. Railway involved the running of 1,276,120 miles weekly. On this line, trains like the “Flying Scotsman,” the “Scarborough Flyer” and the “Coronation” Express were regularly duplicated and triplicated out of King's Cross, while many branch-line servies, discontinued during winter and spring, were specially restored for the benefit of holiday-makers. Ever a popular holiday line, the Great Western summer services included the running of 800 additional express trains on week-days and 600 on Sundays. Twenty-five of these trains covered 2,075 miles daily at speeds of a mile a minute or over. More and faster main-line trains were operated to the West Country by the Southern throughout the holiday period. That most popular of all Southern holiday services—the “Atlantic Coast Express” —regularly ran in five parts every Saturday from Waterloo Station, London, to Devon and Cornwall.

London-Manchester Express (L. & N.E. Railway) passing Quainton, near London.

London-Manchester Express (L. & N.E. Railway) passing Quainton, near London.