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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 7 (October 2, 1939)

Brighter Passenger Coaches

Brighter Passenger Coaches.

Passenger coaches have been immensely improved in design in recent years, while a great deal has also been done to render vehicles more attractive externally and internally by the thoughtful employment of colour. Each Home railway group has its own standard colour scheme for carriage decoration, and on the Great Western new standard colourings for the interior decoration of passenger stock have just been adopted. In first-class page 24
The Old and the New—Steam and Electric Trains at Ascot, Southern Railway.

The Old and the New—Steam and Electric Trains at Ascot, Southern Railway.

corridor compartments the scheme followed is cream and blue; in firstclass non-corridor compartments cream and brown; and in third-class corridor and non-corridor compartments cream and green. Curtains, blinds, carpets and linoleum match the patterned upholstery, while the woodwork is in polished teak. New coaches built at Swindon will in future all incorporate this fresh colour scheme, and coaches passing through the shops for repairs are being re-decorated as opportunity offers.